Join students from the USA and Canada to study together:
The application for the third cohort of SSI-U is now CLOSED.
*Classes will take place every Tuesday from November 1st, 2022 through December 6, 2022
at 4:00 pm PT | 5:00 pm MT | 6:00 pm CT | 7:00 pm ET .
at 4:00 pm PT | 5:00 pm MT | 6:00 pm CT | 7:00 pm ET .
Study with a group of senior scholars and a cohort of peers during this historic year:
the 125th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress and the 75th anniversary of the state of the Israel!
If you are a student at a school that doesn't offer any courses on Israel, or if those that are taught are being offered at learning spaces bias against Israel, or if you want to learn more: then SSI-U is perfect for you!
The SSI-U program features academic-level, one hour long weekly lectures delivered by leading current professors from the Academic Engagement Network (AEN) from across the USA.
This program is provided in partnership with:The Academic Engagement Network (AEN) is an independent, non-partisan educational nonprofit headquartered in Washington, D.C. which engages, educates, and empowers faculty on U.S. universities and colleges to support Jewish, Zionist, and other students and to improve the campus climate. It is comprised of over 850 faculty members on more than 250 campuses who work to defend free speech and academic freedom, promote a robust discourse about Israel on campus and in the academy, and respond to antisemitism on campus when it occurs.
This program is supported by:The department of pioneering youth and future generations in the world Zionist organization aims to develop, train, cultivate and consolidate young Jewish Zionist leadership, specifically among world Zionist youth movements, magshimot and young adult organizations inspired and committed to the values of Zionism and to the Jewish, democratic character of the State of Israel through world partnerships, educational programs, initiatives and joint projects.
Students Supporting Israel has designed a unique program offered online.