The Discrimination and Boycott of Israeli Athletes in Global Sports
Join Students Supporting Israel for a one of a kind lecture on an issue that we rarely hear about. Starting from denial of entry to competitions, refusal to compete against Israeli athletes, and avoiding displaying the Israeli flag, this alarming phenomena has taken place throughout international sports for years.
The 1972 Munich Olympics, where a massacre of eleven Israeli Olympic team members by a Palestinian terror group took place, is a horrific example of the Middle East conflict getting in the way of sports. As the Founder and President of Students Supporting Israel, an experienced soccer player and coach, and with a Master’s in Coaching Education, Ilan Sinelnikov has conducted extensive research on the topic that is now developed into a fascinating presentation. The lecture deals with the many ways that Israeli athletes are being discriminated against, and examines the phenomena through history and in many types of sports. Despite the disrespectful and discriminatory behavior towards Israeli athletes, the lecture also provides hope through examining some of the athletic initiatives that try to build bridges between Israel and its neighbors. Interested in bringing the lecture to your campus or community? We are happy to come to you! Please contact us at [email protected] or sign the form. |