Students Supporting Israel was instrumental in the passing of 30 resolutions in the student governments of:
The resolutions passed variously called for the support of Israel through the investment in and increase of study abroad programs in Israel, promotion of Israel, countering the BDS movement, and calling for the adoption of the IHRA definition of Antisemitism.
In addition to the resolutions, other SSI efforts included three chapters at the University of Minnesota, San Diego State University and DePaul University, defeating anti Israel proposals in their student governments. On two other campuses, the University of Minnesota and Augsburg College, SSI members ran for the student body Presidency position, finishing second. Other SSI members from different chapters are holding various positions in student governments, such as student senators and at large representatives. Most recently, in 2023, Students Supporting Israel at UCSB was directly responsible for the condemnation of Hamas and the actions taking place on October 7th. |